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In here you will find all of our latest horse racing systems for backing and laying, horse ratings, football tips and roulette strategies.

Free Horse Racing Systems

Claim your copy of our FREE newsletter with 2 superb FREE HORSE RACING SYSTEMS PLUS other great content. Just fill in the form below.

Roulette Systems

We have loads of roulette systems in the club including my awesome 'CD Safety Plan - Bank Build' which has currently amassed +£661.80 after just 10 sessions. More info on this below. Gain access to all these systems as soon as you join. Just visit our casino/roulette forum.

Horse Racing Systems and Betting Systems

September 2024 Gives +108 points profit so far from just 5 systems combined - see below for a breakdown!

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Horse Racing Systems and Betting Systems from The Total Betting Club

Your search for profitable betting systems begins here...

Get Your FREE Newsletter NOW!

Claim your copy of our sample newsletter with 2 superb FREE HORSE RACING SYSTEMS PLUS other great content included, at no cost whatsoever!

The first horse racing system achieved +200 points each year we tested. The 2nd system is a simple backing idea for those with little spare time. Some amazing results were seen from early trials. Finally you have a superb roulette strategy that we use every time we target a live roulette wheel. More info below for news on my 'CD Safety Plan Roulette System Bank Build'.

Claim your copy of our sample newsletter with 2 superb FREE horse racing systems PLUS other great content included, absolutely FREE!

*By entering your details you will also be giving us permission to email you from time to time with regards interesting club news and system/tipster updates. You are free to be removed from our database at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in our emails or by contacting us at 24/7.

  • Claim your copy of our sample newsletter with 2 superb FREE horse racing systems PLUS other great content included, absolutely FREE!
  • Here is a link to our Privacy Policy

Latest News...The FR Method Reaches Huge Total With '5 % Of The Bank' Staking

The FR Method - And Some Ridiculous Returns!


This unbelievable new system would have grown a £1000 starting bank into a whopping...


£1000 into £90727.03


And this was from just the mid point of October (13th) up to January 24th 2025!


The staking plan utilised was a simple '5% of the bank', reset each morning. The growth shown was huge and shows the masses of potential, if you have a system with the right results.


How about level stakes?


October +15.27 points
November +43.89 points
December +23.81 points
January +31.25 points


How about level stakes up 1 unit after a losing day and down 2 units after a winning one?


October +32.82 points
November +68.47 points
December +47.55 points
January +43.12 points


The combination of a great strike rate and consistency means that virtually any staking plan will work superbly.


Access this system as soon as you sign up and gain access to the full rules, daily potential bets and results. The topic is called 'The FR Method' and resides in the horse racing backing systems forum.

You Can Access The Above Inside The Members' Area.

Access As Soon As You Join.

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Membership Is At The Ridiculously Low Price Of £22.95 Per Month!

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Please note - all previous members re-joining will now have their accounts reactivated automatically by the system. Any new customers looking to sign up must register with the club first, via the link above and then subscribe via the PayPal link provided.

Members must be 18+ to join

Other Systems Doing Well?

November has just finished and The Dundalk Method finished 2024 with a hugely impressive


December +38.51 points.


This total actually took the system to an all-time high.


Running total since October 2022 is +259.08 points


This averages out to over +11.0 points every month since inception.


This is brilliant when you consider we only target 1 meeting specifically and over the Summer months, the track is not even used. All bets are also to 1point level stakes using BSPs, so on that basis, it has been truly tested.


Very easy to follow, extremely reliable and access the full rules as soon as you sign up.

Sign Up Right Away And Gain Immediate Access To Everything You Have Read About Above Plus So Much More. All The Systems Are Updated Daily With Previous Results And Daily Bets Displayed In Full. All The Rules Are Fully Accessible To Members.

Membership Is At The Ridiculously Low Price Of £22.95 Per Month!

You Can Use The Link Below To Sign Up.

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Membership Is At The Ridiculously Low Price Of £22.95 Per Month!

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Please note - all previous members re-joining will now have their accounts reactivated automatically by the system. Any new customers looking to sign up must register with the club first, via the link above and then subscribe via the PayPal link provided.

Many more tips/systems/trials available...

New tests and trials always ongoing, with new research just around the corner.


Football big bank double up attempt??


I am currently in the midst of an attempt to double-up a £200 starting bank by laying scorelines.


Things have been moving well and so far the initial £200 has reached just over £235 which is just great. I am hopeful I can achieve this feat within a few weeks and you can follow my progress bet by bet.




I have to also give a very special mention to a Cracking Roulette System we have been using and testing over recent weeks. The results have been excellent.


If you love roulette and novel roulette strategies then you'll really enjoy trying out our CD Safety Plan, which has had loads of success so far. I post all of my live sessions in the system topic. I show results using the safer version and results to a more aggressive version.


So far I have had 10 sessions. the results have been awesome.


Safer version has accrued +£216.00


The more aggressive version has accrued a massive +£661.80


Latest News - Fresh Session This Week On 22nd January 2025


This session produced 16 wins from just 22 spins and a profit of +£115.20 using the aggressive 3-step plan.


Full session is displayed in the club. The safer version aiming for just 80p per win made +£12.80


These are huge numbers. Even better is that each session is normally between 20-25 spins, so relatively short and convenient. You might only need 20 minutes spare each day to operate this one and as it's online roulette, it can be played at any time of the day. This system is exclusive to the club and worth the membership fee alone.


You Can Access The Rules And All Updates Inside The Members' Area.

Access As Soon As You Join.

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Membership Is At The Ridiculously Low Price Of £22.95 Per Month!

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Please note - all previous members re-joining will now have their accounts reactivated automatically by the system. Any new customers looking to sign up must register with the club first, via the link above and then subscribe via the PayPal link provided.

Members must be 18+ to join


Here Are Just Some Of Our Many Testimonials:

Here Are Just Some Of Our Many Testimonials:

All our testimonials are from members.


"Keep up the excellent work, this is by far the best site I've come across."

"I believe it is the best club in the business"

"P.S. I've been a member for nearly a year this month and have thoroughly enjoyed it and for the first time in many, many years have actually made a profit"

"Currently I am over £3000 in profit for this month alone. This is exactly what this club is about, sharing profitable systems that actually work"

"You are really doing a great job. I will rejoin the club in September yet again!"

"TBC is a great place Louis. Keep up the good work!"

"Well done to the owner of this forum, Louis and all the other great members here who are so willing to help. It is VERY refreshing to see such openness and honesty."

"I am so glad I found this UK site and thanks to Louis and co. for sharing the information and well worth the subscription costs."

"Quick e-mail to say I'm loving the Total Betting Club! Keep up the great work, Nick."

"Just wanted to post a little testimonial and say that this is without doubt THE best gambling forum I have ever had the pleasure to be a part of. The comararderie between the members is brilliant and everyone is happy to share ideas and help fellow members."

"As a new member I would like to say how impressed I am with the site and all of the contributors and the great systems outlined in this forum. It feels like a genuine community of like minded people trying to achieve something for everyone's benefit, a rare occurrence in my experience!"

"Louis, as ever, I am in awe of your workrate and commitment. Your whole site, and of course your newsletters, are far and away the best value, the most interesting and most honest service in racing I have ever come across. Over the last few months I have ditched every other service I have subscribed to as they are RUBBISH!"

Automated Betting Software

*The club also recommends a superb betting bot called The Bet Engine and this will work for most of our betting systems.This is ideal if your time is restricted in any way. This amazing piece of software can automatically place your bets for you while you away from the PC. Find out much more once you have signed up.

Are you fed up of wasting time and money on betting systems and betting tips that promise the earth but time and again fail to deliver? Well if this is the case then you may want to consider joining our small community of like-minded individuals who too have suffered similar experiences. Over the years, between us we have bought numerous horse racing/betting systems, been full of anticipation for their projected profits and as usual, seen nothing that related to the original financial gains that were predicted. In fact, all that was achieved was a waste of time and worse of all, a waste of money! Normally the financial loss was far greater than the cost of the system itself because extra money was needed to actually test these latest miracle methods!!

Although we have had a lot of negative experiences, we have also seen enough to know that it is more than possible to succeed in this business. Remember, it is a fact that virtually anyone who is successful with their betting will be using a method of some description, even if they don't realise it! Our basic aim is therefore to research and discover systems that show promise of producing regular end of month/year profits.

By joining The Total Betting Club you will be gaining access to brand new and exciting systems as well as a wealth of knowledge and experience. For a small monthly fee you will gain access to our monthly newsletters that are downloadable from the members' area as PDF attachments. Within the newsletters you will find new betting systems/techniques, advice on staking and informative articles that will only benefit your betting experiences. We spend many hours each and every month sourcing and testing new ideas. We like to tweak, create and mix up all different kinds of ideas in order to discover workable, profitable systems. A lot of these ideas will be for horse racing as this is the most popular betting pastime but we also look at football and whatever else looks like it could be profitable for our members.

As we also have a soft spot for the casino, we are always on the lookout for new roulette systems and roulette methods. You can guarantee that any new ideas will be given a full and thorough test. As already mentioned above, the latest is 'The CD Safety Plan - Bank Build' roulette system. This has been moving along superbly and the profit numbers so far are massive. We will also be testing a more traditional style roulette system very soon and on early tests, it looks awesome. It's a familiar idea with a special twist and special staking plan. We cannot wait to start testing this and of course members gain full access to the rules and results.

As a member you will have full access to The Total Betting Club members' area.

Within the members' area you will find all sorts of useful downloads. There are articles regarding staking plans, how to use bookies/online casino bonuses to make a guaranteed return, how to place a back/lay bet on Betfair below the minimum stake and much, much more. In fact, 1 of the most popular FREE downloads is our “Roulette Rookie series. Completely original, this 6-part course offers some superb ideas on how to make profits from the roulette wheel. We also hope that this and all of our systems/ideas will inspire you to try different approaches to your betting. Maybe you will discover something that produces great profits and hopefully you would be willing to share this knowledge with all the club members. It might be that you would like to encourage discussion about a new idea to see if anyone has an improvement to suggest; if this is the case, then you can always head over to the members only forum and begin a new thread. Some members have already contributed some superb betting ideas so check these out as soon as you can.

The forum is a great place to meet with like-minded people to exchange opinions and ideas with other members of The Total Betting Club. You can discuss current betting systems being trialled, offer ideas on how to improve certain horse racing systems or you may want to proof some Lay Betting system selections. Alternatively, you might fancy yourself as a tipster and therefore you will want to use the forum to exchange tips and selections for horse racing or any other sports.

There will be never be any sales pitches from us, lies, or commission, just honest opinions, based on facts and stats. In fact, the time spent analysing all the past, present and new methods we look at works out as a full-time job for several people! Hopefully by spending so much of our time and effort on research, we can save you plenty of your own time and effort and most importantly, lots of money.

Our final service we provide is full email support to all members. Any query or question will always be answered promptly and politely and we will always do our best to answer your emails as fully as possible. This service runs 7 days a week although weekends are limited to the early hours!

Finally, if any members feel that they have something that will be of benefit to all club members, you can send it direct to us. Once approved, we will readily include their comments/ideas in the following month's newsletter. Our aim is to have a club where shared ideas benefit all members alike.

So here's a quick recap of what you are getting:

Access to all of the betting systems mentioned at the top of this page, value, £s.

  • Free copy of “Football Power Trading System, worth £57
  • Other FREE systems throughout the year.
  • Monthly newsletter, containing original systems for horse racing/football/roulette, articles on staking and more.
  • Download all of our archived newsletters - more than 10 years' worth!!

Access to the members area. Here you will find loads of great downloads, including how to make a guaranteed profit using Bookmakers bonuses, there is also the popular “Roulette Rookie series, (6 parts in all!) plus other useful articles (being added to all the time).

Access to the members only forum. Meet with fellow club members to discuss anything betting related.

Full email support 6 days a week (Sundays off - Missus' orders!).

A wealth of knowledge that is shared between the members and the club every month.

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Membership Is At The Ridiculously Low Price Of £22.95 Per Month!

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Please note - all previous members re-joining will now have their accounts reactivated automatically by the system. Any new customers looking to sign up must register with the club first, via the link above and then subscribe via the PayPal link provided.

Members must be 18+ to join

Please note - all previous members re-joining will now have their accounts reactivated automatically by the system. Any new customers looking to sign up must register with the club first, via the link above and then subscribe via the PayPal link provided.

You are free to cancel your membership at anytime. You can log into your PayPal account and do this yourself or you can email the club to do it on your behalf. There are no other hidden costs whatsoever. Remember, everything the club has to offer is available to all members. Once payment has been made, you will be sent a registration email. This will allow you to create a username and password. Once this has been done you can login to the club via the 'Members' area' link above. As a note, returning members must wait for their account to be manually reactivated.

Free Horse Racing Systems

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